Anesthetic Workstation X55-12.1 inch, with a touchable screen,Full control Electronic flow meter, oxygen, nitrous oxide.
Suitable for pediatric and adults
Tidal volume setting Optional 20~1500ml(optional 10-1600ml)
Friendly user interface
Sufficient modes of Ventilation: VCV, PCV, SIMV-V, Manual
Gas supply: O2 , N2O, Air
Optional: SIMV-P , CPAP/PSV , PRVC, SIMV-PRVC, BACKUP , O2 , ETCO2 , AGSS , Suction,AA
6 Tubes flowmeter more accurate and stable, auxiliary flowmeter Gas system, Hypoxic guard system, ORC, O2, Flush
Vaporizer: Selectatec bar support 2 vaporizers
ACGO, 2 Yokes (O2 & N2O)
12.1" TFT touch screen, with rotary knob. Resolution 800 X 600.
Electrical Specification
Mains: 100-240V AC, 50Hz/60Hz
Battery: 12V DC, minimum 90 min
Power consumption: ≤120W
Pneumatic Specification
Gas supply: Air, O2, N2O: 0.28~0.6Mpa
electric mixer: Air: 0~15L/min O2: 0~15L/min
N2O: 0~12L/min
Alternate O2:0~15L/min
Gas system:
O2 deficiency alarm
Hypoxic guard system
O2 flush: 25~75L/min
Working mode: Closed, Semi-closed, Semi-open
Driven mode: Pneumatically driven and electronically controlled Operation mode: Man./Vent.
Safety valve: ≤12.5kPa
Ventilator Specification:
Patient type: Adult, Pediatric & Neonate
Ventilation modes: VCV, PCV, PRVC, SIMV, PSV, BACKUP, Manual
Setting: Touch screen & navigator wheel knob
Tidal volume: 20~1500ml
Ventilation frequency: 1~100bpm
I:E ratio: 4:1~1:10
Pressure range: 5~70cmH2O
Ppeep: OFF,3~30cmH2O
Inspiration plateau: off, 5%~60% Ti
Trigger sensitivity: 0.5~20L/min; 0~-20cmH2O
High pressure: 20~80cmH2O
Low pressure: 0~20cmH2O
Display: 12.1″TFT touch screen
Pressure: Paw, Ppeak, Pplat, Pmean, PEEP
Volume: MV, Vt
Breath rate
Gas FiO2
SpO2:Pulse, SpO2
Graph display: P-T, F-T, V-T waveforms & P-V, F-V, P-F loops, SPO2-T(Option), EtCO2(Option), AA(Option), Waveform frozen
Pressure: Paw high/low limit
Volumes: MV high/low limit
High limit of breath rate
Gas FiO2 high/low limit
Airway pressure high/low
High PEEP level
Power failure
Low O2 supply pressure Vaporizer:
Support 2 vaporizers (Selectatec Compatible)
Agent type: Halothane, Enflurane, Isoflurane, Sevoflurane, Desflurane
About us
Beijing Siriusmed Medical Device Co., Ltd is among the top level Manufactures of anesthesia machine and ventilators in China since 2013. Our main products are: Anesthesia machine, vaporizer, ICU Ventilator, neonatal ventilator, and air compressors. With the quality certificates of NMPA, ISO 13485, CE and BGMP, we offer the whole OR & ICU solutions to the world. Right now we established the long term ditributors, OEM & SKD partners in Germany, UK, U.S. India, Brazil, Morocco ... etc more than 80 countries in the world. Welcome to join us for the long term cooperation for our products: anesthesia machine, anestheisa ventilator, vaporizer, ventilator, air compressor and monitors... etc.